
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Beata Homecare is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Principles (Privacy Amendment [Private Sector]) Act 2000 (Commonwealth). Beata Homecare is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with Australia’s National Privacy Principles. You can be sure that we will only use your personal information as stated in this Website Privacy Policy. To assist you in making informed decisions when using the Beata Homecare Website, please read through this Policy.

The purpose of our Website Privacy Policy is to explain how we collect, use and safeguard the personal information you provide to us when you visit and contribute to our Website.



Information collected from you is primarily for two purposes:

  • To customise your experience of the Beata Homecare Website to make it more accessible to users, with more relevant content
  • To ensure all contributed content is correctly attributed


Anonymous Users

Beata Homecare automatically gathers anonymous information to monitor the use of the Beata Homecare Website, such as the numbers and frequency of visitors to each section of the Website, and the region from which access to the Website is gained. This information is collated from log files which record details of each Website transaction.



Beata Homecare will primarily use the personal information we receive for the purpose of attribution of content you have published. We will not use any individually identifying personal information without your consent, with the exception of instances of breach of the Website Standard Conditions of Use.

The information collated from log files of Website transactions provides us with aggregated data only, and contains no identifying information.

It enables Beata Homecare to determine the extent to which our users access different parts of the Website, to monitor customer demand and preferences. From evaluation of this data, Beata Homecare can work to constantly improve the Website and its content relevance for users.

Beata Homecare may use information from log files when investigating suspected breaches of the Beata Homecare Standard Conditions of Use. For example, where the Website has been vandalised or material posted under another person’s name without their consent, Beata Homecare may access the log files to investigate the source and take corrective action.

Beata Homecare may also use this information to investigate technical issues related to the performance of the Website. For example, a poorly behaving web spider may place excessive load on the Website. Beata Homecare may use data collected in the log files to identify the source and take corrective action.



When you access the Website as a Registered User, Beata Homecare will also use your personal information to customise your experience. A cookie is a file a Website saves to your computer. It records information such as Website preferences so that when you re-visit the Website, those settings are recalled. Unless otherwise blocked within your browser settings, the Beata Homecare Website will set a user’s cookie to customise your user experience. If you choose not to accept cookies, they can be blocked through your browser options. Beata Homecare uses two types of cookies: user cookies and session cookies.


User Cookie

The user cookie will store your user preferences as set when you registered. For users that have not registered, only your accessibility option will be stored.


Session Cookie

The session cookie will be set each time you visit the Website. This session cookie records that you have verified your identity by entering your password, enabling you to publish to the Beata Homecare Website. The session cookie is automatically deleted once you close your browser window, or the time-out period has expired.



There may be occasions when Beata Homecare is required by law to disclose the personal information we hold about you to third parties. In the event that Beata Homecare is investigating inappropriate use or technical issues on the Beata Homecare Website, Beata Homecare may disclose information in log files to Internet Service Providers and law enforcement authorities, in order to further investigate the issue. In circumstances where illegal activity is suspected, Beata Homecare may make log files available to law enforcement authorities.

By accessing the Beata Homecare Website, you consent to us disclosing your personal information to third parties if we have reason to suspect that you have committed a breach of any of our terms and conditions, or have otherwise been engaged in any unlawful activity, and we reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary to the Police, any relevant authority or enforcement body, or your Internet Service Provider or network administrator or as required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act).

Under no circumstances will Beata Homecare sell or receive payment for licensing or disclosing your personal information.



If you have any complaints relating to online privacy issues on the Beata Homecare Website, please notify us in writing by emailing to Whilst Beata Homecare accepts no liability for any material or links posted to the Website, we will investigate all complaints. You can contact us by accessing our details on the Contact Us page.